Glossary of Terms relevant to Spanish Mortgage
- Ayuntamiento
- Local town hall
- Cancelacion
- Redemption of mortgage
- Carencia
- Grace period/interest only
- Comision de apertura
- Bank arrangement fee
- Contrato Privado
- Private contract
- Cuota
- Monthly mortgage payment
- Escritura
- Deed
- Euribor
- European bank base rate
- Hipoteca
- Mortgage
- IAJD (Impuestos Actos Juridicos Documentados)
- Tax on raising a mortgage charged at 0.5% of mortgage liability
- IBI (Impuestos de Bienes Inmuebles)
- Local annual property tax
- IRPH (Indices referencia de prestamos hipotecarios)
- Spanish average mortgage rate over the last 3 years
- ITP (Impuesto sobre transmisiones patrimoniales)
- Tax on capital transfers, paid by the buyer at 6% or 7% depending on the region
- Foreigner’s identification number. Every foreigner must have this in order to enter into a legal transaction in Spain.
- Nota Simple
- A report taken form the Property Register confirming the description, ownership and debts associated to the property
- Licencia de Obra
- Licence to build granted by the local town hall
- VAT on new properties at 7% except in Canary Islands where it is 5%.
- Novacion
- Change to the terms of a financial agreement
- Oferta Vinculante
- Binding mortgage offer
- Plusvalia
- Capital gains tax
- Registro de la Propiedad
- Property register
- Annual Percentage Rate, APR
- Tasacion
- Lenders Valuation
- Tipo de interes
- Interest Rate
- Amortización
- Capital & Repayment Mortgage
- Cancelación anticipada
- Early Repayment or Early Redemption
- Cancelación Registral
- Register Discharge
- Carga
- Encumbrance or Registered Charge
- Cédula de habitabilidad
- Occupancy Certificate
- Gestoría
- Solicitor
- Verificación registral
- Land Register Check
- Subrogación de deudor
- Re-mortgage of the debtor)
- Subrogación
- Re-mortgaging with another lender
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